
Major Sponsorship Opportunities for 2016 Mardi Gras Ball!

The Mardi Gras Ball is our major fundraiser that allows Community Conscience to operate, maintain and manage the building so that the tenant agencies can concentrate their funds and energy directly on programs for their clients.

We ask that you sign up to be a Major Sponsor for this annual fundraiser so that theservices provided at “Under One Roof” continue to flow to those most  in  need!  

The Mardi Gras Ball is attended by more than 300 community leaders, guests and media who  enjoy an evening  of  good  food, music and friends. In addition to ticket sales, funds are raised through silent and live auctions. Your donation will receive prominent recognition. A complete list of benefits for the various sponsorship levels is included in this mailing.

Please respond as soon as possible by calling 805.494.3543, or detach and return the bottom section of the Sponsorship Level Form to register as a Major Sponsor.  Click HERE to download the Sponsorship Level & Registration form.

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Each month Community Conscience spotlights one of the 13 human services agencies who operate rent-free in our 22,000 square-foot building. Those agencies serve 50,000 people annually, and we want to share their stories. Subscribe to our newsletter to have their stories delivered to your inbox.