
Dear Mardi Gras Ball Supporters: Thank You!

I would like to personally thank our Major Sponsors, Table Sponsors and those purchasing tickets for their support of our annual Mardi Gras Fundraiser.

Last year we replaced 14 air conditioners and installed a new roof. Now we have a new challenge – we must modernize our elevator! The world has changed since it was installed in the 1980s. There are more frequent power outages and red flag warnings during heavy winds. Our elevator does not have a battery backup and a power outage may result in someone being trapped. People who are already facing challenges in their lives visit our building for assistance and do not need to add the experience of being trapped in an elevator. Additionally modern elevators include more safety features in the event of fires.

Our non-profit tenants complete a survey each year and have reported that without the arrangement of rent-free space they would have to close their doors or substantially cut programs and staff. They depend on Community Conscience to maintain the Human Services Center.

As the need for access to human services has grown in our community, so too have the programs providing these services within the walls of the Human Services Center. These are just some of the successes realized during this past year:

  • 13 non-profit agencies diverted almost $300,000 in saved rent to their programs.
  • 39 homeless people were housed.
  • 58 people were rescued from human trafficking.
  • 125 disabled persons received life skills training for independence.
  • 350 people were assisted with employment services.
  • 2,000 vulnerable children, adults, and seniors received regular exercise programs from licensed trainers.
  • 5,000 people received grief support and hospice services.
  • 5,030 people learned to prevent bullying through kindness and inclusion workshops.
  • Critical children and family services such as food security, financial assistance, mental health, parenting education, medical, dental, and legal services continued at no cost for over 50,000 people.

Your support will make a difference to the clients who depend on our 13 amazing tenants that provide assistance in one location. The Ball is this Saturday — this is your last chance to join us.

Mardi Gras Ball Tickets & Event Details

Kind regards,

Robin Britt
Executive Director, Community Conscience

Diamond Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Barbara Ashcraft
In Loving Memory of Mel Ashcraft

Hugh & Keets Cassar

Cheryl Klepper and Jacque & Greg Lockwood​

Wayne & Phyllis Rickert​

Silver Sponsors

Larry Marquart

Richard & Joan Young

Bronze Sponsors

Cecilia & Frank Bellinghiere

Fran Brough & Chuck Cunningham

Dr. Frank Dawson

Margaret Fieweger

David & Carol Freeman

Ron & Pat Grant

Marta & Bruce Rothwell
Barbaras Development, Inc.

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Each month Community Conscience spotlights one of the 13 human services agencies who operate rent-free in our 22,000 square-foot building. Those agencies serve 50,000 people annually, and we want to share their stories. Subscribe to our newsletter to have their stories delivered to your inbox.