
Community Spotlight: Community Conscience

Beverly: Hopeful & Healing

Shortly after 9:00 am on Monday, May 13, a young woman named Beverly walked toward the front doors of Community Conscience. Pregnant, and holding her two-year old child’s hand, she paused while her daughter tugged at her dress. “Mommy, look at the bunny,” the little girl said, pointing to the colorful, five-foot-tall rabbit outside of the building.

It was a strangely odd moment of peace following what had been a nightmarish weekend. Beverly had spent Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights trying desperately to guard herself and her daughter from her boyfriend, who had been drinking and abusing her.

Beverly had had enough. The caring staff at Community Conscience, who provide referrals to people who are in need but not sure where to start, directed Beverly to Interface Children and Family Services. IFCS is a local non-profit dedicated to, among many other things, helping victims of domestic violence and child abuse. Alone and frightened, Beverly turned to Interface in desperation. With compassion and tenderness, the staff at Interface helped Beverly find emergency shelter, file a police report for domestic violence and began counseling services for both Beverly and her daughter.

The Interface staff also let Beverly know that she was in the right place. Community Conscience, with 13 non-profit agencies housed in its Human Services Center, gave Beverly the opportunity to find hope through the variety of services available to the most vulnerable in our community.

From Interface, Beverly went — within the very same building — to the Ventura County Human Services office, where she applied for CalFresh and MediCal, and where she found resources for locating a job. She then visited the Conejo Free Clinic — again, in the same building — where she obtained free legal advice. The folks at Conejo Free Clinic let her know that Ohana Health, right around the corner, could provide support for her pregnancy with ultrasound, parenting classes, and baby supplies. Finally, she stopped in at Lutheran Social Services, on the first floor, for help finding housing and food.

Beverly still bares scars from her time in an abusive relationship. But today, she has newfound hope, thanks to the warmhearted and loving service provided by five of the agencies who call Community Conscience’s Human Resource Center home.

Beverly’s name has been changed to protect her identity.

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