Michal Mishan: Community Conscience 2019 Volunteer of the Year
By Robin Britt – Executive Director, Community Conscience
Each year in May Community Conscience has a Spring Luncheon. We invite the Directors of each agency in the Human Services Center, Community Conscience Trustees, and Advisory Council members. Also invited are the elected officials of neighboring cities. It is a chance for each agency housed in the Human Services Center to give a presentation about their incredible services. This year the event took on a delightful new twist as you will see below.
Community Conscience hosts bi-monthly meetings with the agencies in the Human Services Center. These gatherings are a chance for networking and communicating services offered by each agency and a look at needs not yet being met. Roundtable discussions are held about how to better serve the community in an effort to meet these needs. Through these meetings it became apparent to me there is an incredible, dedicated army of volunteers behind the scenes who make sure the clients’ needs are are met. We asked the non-profit agencies in the Human Services Center to nominate a volunteer for the first “Community Conscience Human Services Center Volunteer of the Year Award.”
Michal Mishan, who has been volunteering for PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center, was selected for the 2019 award. On May 8th, at our Spring Luncheon, we met Michal and her family. According to Judy French, PACER’S local representative, Michal is the first one to say, “Yes!” when asked to help with a task. Mrs. Mishan gives her time freely and is helping to create the next generation of volunteers at the same time. Michal’s daughter has learned by example to volunteer and serves on the Los Angeles Youth Advisory Board. We were pleased to honor Michal for making an impact through giving her time and resources to others.
Volunteers make a difference! If you are interested in volunteering for an upcoming event either for Community Conscience or for one of the agencies housed in the Human Services Center, please call 805 494-3543 or email us at info@communityconscience.org. Our monthly e-newsletter will have updates for upcoming activities. Please join us!