Donation Confirmation


Thank you for your generous donation!

Please print this confirmation page for your records.

Time: {charge_date} UTC
Name: {customer_name}
Amount: {purchase_amt_curr}
Transaction ID: {transaction_id}

A confirmation email has been sent to {payer_email}, and we will mail a letter that may be used for tax purposes to:


By supporting Community Conscience, you are ensuring Human Services agencies can keep their doors open in a permanent facility to help those in need.

Please contact us if you have any questions.

Your gift to Community Conscience is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Our USA Federal Tax ID No. is 95-3310410. No goods or services were received in exchange for this contribution.


Your donation has not been submitted. There was an error with the credit card transaction. Error details below:


Please try again or contact us if this problem persists.
